Monday, September 17, 2007

Another day is here!
Its almost going to finish. But i felt bored so i switched on my computer, clicked Internet Explorer, typed the, typed my username and passowrd and now im here!
Okay! I know u guys know how to do!
Today something really weird happened in my house!
I was talking to the wind!
What really happened was i went to my room and saw my curtains flying so vigorously!
I stood near my window feeling the cool breeze!
Then i said to the wind to stop! And true enough it did happened! I heard my mother coming up the stairs. Then i quickly turn to the window and told the wind to blow! It happened also!
Something is really wrong with me! Must visit a psychatrist!
I scored well for history test!
Okay Okay!I wont boast like the bossy patrick in the story zeep!
To tell a truth, Chan Minh is really suitable for the chracter! That is what Keane said!
I cannot take it! Exams are around the corner and i still have my cough.
My parents do not want to bring me to the doctor! But how to do well in exams like that! Actually i myself i hate to see doctors! Let my cough cure itself!
I don't know why but i always like to have a exclamation mark after my sentence.
Must stop the bad habit! Ooops! Sorry as i put exclamation mark again.
Well. I got to go!

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